Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

The Maze Runner (Maze Runner, #1)
Imagine waking up one day in total darkness, unsure of where you are and unable to remember anything about yourself except your first name. You're in a bizarre place devoid of adults called the Glade. The Glade is an enclosed structure with a jail, a graveyard, a slaughterhouse, living quarters, and gardens. And no way out. Outside the Glade is the Maze, and every day some of the kids -- the Runners -- venture into the labyrinth, trying to map the ever-changing pattern of walls in an attempt to find an exit from this hellish place. So far, no one has figured it out. And not all of the Runners return from their daily exertions, victims of the maniacal Grievers, part animal, part mechanical killing machines.

Thomas is the newest arrival to the Glade in this Truman-meets-Lord of the Flies tale. A motley crew of half a dozen kids is all he has to guide him in this strange world. As soon as he arrives, unusual things begin to happen, and the others grow suspicious of him. Though the Maze seems somehow familiar to Thomas, he's unable to make sense of the place, despite his extraordinary abilities as a Runner. What is this place, and does Thomas hold the key to finding a way out?

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An amazing, intense, mind-boggling book of the future. There's no doubt in my mind that I have become a devoted fan of Mr. Dashner. This book has everything I was looking for in a book. Superb characters, an exhilarating background, and the most convoluted conflict I think I've ever encountered. Seriously, I can not believe I didn't pick up this book as soon as I saw it. The Maze Runner is INCREDIBLE! Pretty sure I'll be picking up the rest of this series tomorrow. Twas that good.

Gotta stop going on about how wonderful this book is (but it really is!) I will say that the beginning starts off slow, but it is totally necessary. What's not necessary is Thomas' endless repetition of trying to ask questions. God, how annoying. Once things got going though it really took off. There are so many characters I loved in this novel, but the two by far were Newt and Minho. Very strong characters, and while similar they were completely different. Makes no sense I know, you just got to read the book. You gotta feel something for Chuck too. It's incredibly frustrating right now because I just want to spill all the beans and juicy secrets of this novel, but... I can't. Sorry. Hopefully it'll just make you want the book more. :]

As for the dynamic story, the story itself!, that is so hard to put in words. Really, where did you come up with this Mr. Dashner? You seriously gotta have a lot of conspiracy theories or something! This story has so much going for it, it was irresistible to me. How it all came to be and where it will go has me awed. The last few pages were mind-numbing. You think you got it figured out and BAM! Totally blown to pieces.

In the end there's only one thing to say, "Get me the next shucking book, shuck-head!"

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