Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I know I suck...

It's been awhile since there has been a review but... if you have not taken a look at my reading list, you may want to look. Yes! So many books! And to be honest I have already finished most of them. Only a few have not been read... So the reviews will be coming!

On a side note, Muzicons has rearranged their site so now you have to find your music elsewhere :/ Not happy about this. So I may have to find another awesome place to find my awesome music. Hopefully it will be as cute as Muzicons.

That's all for now. Please don't expect reviews every day. I'm human and I have a life. Not to mention I share my computer with two other people. We may be setting up time slots. lol.

Have a great day and pick up a book!

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