Friday, February 4, 2011

Indefensible by Pamela Callow

When Elise Vanderzell plummets from her bedroom balcony one gorgeous summer night, her children awaken to a nightmare.

Their mother is dead.

Their father is charged with her murder.

Lawyer Kate Lange knows all about nightmares. She's survived the darkest period of her troubled life and the wounds are still raw. Now she's been handed a case that seems utterly unwinnable: defending her boss, high-profile lawyer Randall Barrett. A prosecutor's dream suspect, Randall is a man who was cuckolded by his ex-wife. A man who could not control his temper. A man who had argued bitterly with the victim the previous day in full view of the children.

With limited criminal law experience, Kate finds herself enmeshed in a family fractured by doubt. Randall's teenage son is intent on killing him. His daughter wants only to feel safe again. And the entire legal community would like nothing better than to see Randall receive a public comeuppance. As Kate races to stay a step ahead of the prosecution, a silent predator is waiting for the perfect time to deal the final blow.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Dare I say it? Two reviews in one day. Yup, this little bee has been buzz-eh! Busy. Eh, I laughed. But yes another review! Difference is this is not! a YA novel. Very grown-up, very intellectual. Kinda boring, but it's good for me to find other genres to read. Keeps everything in perspective.

Now for the review! The beginning of this book was so slooooow. It wasn't until a couple hundred pages in that I felt things were starting to heat up. Now usually with a slow beginning there's important facts that have to be teased out or something like that. I didn't feel that way with this though. A lot of the information provided could have easily been slimmed down or taken out completely.

Though I might feel this way because I have not read the first book featuring Kate Lange, Damaged. Looks promising, and it will fill the spots in the second book I couldn't connect with. So I may be reading this as well.

I was annoyed with the point of views being shifted around so much. I don't usually mind, but every P.O.V. was bland, monotonous. It was difficult to get into the groove of a new person's thought process, only to switch again once you get the hang of it. Kate was enjoyable as a heroine. I wanted to root for her the whole way. And Randell, hmm, he seemed steamy, but a little bipolar. Sorry but I am crazy enough for me and whoever my lover would be. Not crazy I kill people, or anything along those lines. Noo, more like a bouncy WHAT'S UP?! kind of crazy. I've been told I would make a wonderful elementary teacher. :]

Anywho, good book. Little bit predictable, but there were many 'Where did that come from?' moments as well.

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