Saturday, April 2, 2011

Plague (Gone #4) by Michael Grant

Plague (Gone, #4)Synopsis
This is a blood-pumping, white-knuckle sci-fi thriller of epic proportions. The FAYZ goes from bad to worse...The darkness has been foiled once again and the resurrected Drake has been contained. But the streets of Perdido Beach are far from safe, with a growing army of mutants fighting against the humans for power in the town. In a small room of a house near the edge of town, Little Pete lies ill on a bed. In his fevered dreams, he continues his battle with the hidden evil that seeks to use his power to bring about anarchy and destruction.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I am shocked. More outrageous insanity. BUT! And this is the only reason I gave it three instead of two stars, it actually goes somewhere in this book! There will definitely be a fifth installment which I'm sort of looking forward too, I use "looking forward to" very lightly because this series really doesn't do anything for me. Mainly I want to continue the series just to see how everything turns out with the new rules and socities set in place.

Also because O.M.G. it has happened! There will be a highly anticipated new character coming into the series although I feel I'm going to be a little disappointed already... Hm. Little teasing spoiler, someone is pregnant! As far as characterization, again I was amused by Astrid, although toward the end I came to despise her more than anything else. So frustrating when Sam's heart is on the line. (Face it, everyone loves Sam.) A character I really enjoyed this time around was Sanjit, who was introduced in Lies. He provides some much needed comic relief, eh, well most of the time.

The gaiaphage is particularly tricky in his demonic plotting this time. His newest plan involves beings repellent to most of the assorted powers...(Damn! another spoiler!) And oh yea! Caine. I haven't said anything about him in the Lies review since he never seemed that big a character or that integral to the plot, though he really was, but he's somehow managed to get into the spotlight, ruffian. It'll be interesting to see how he goes about the next book or so. He's finally gotten his ambition, but I'm wondering to what cost?

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